Welcome to the website! My name is John Horning. I am currently a seminary student at Shepherd’s Theological Seminary in Cary, North Carolina, and I am the host of the Shaking Scripture’s Leaves podcast.

This blog is to make my lessons more easily accessible and to post articles that explore topics relating to the Bible and theology. Largely, this site provides an opportunity for me to articulate issues that arise in my own study, and it provides a place for other people to hopefully benefit from my posts.

My Own History

I was born and raised in Santa Clarita, CA. Both of my parents were Christians, and I myself converted in the 2nd grade. My faith started to become real to me in Junior High, where the realization struck that the Bible is not compatible with the prominent ideas of the world. Over Junior High and High School, I was able to truly develop my identity in and relationship with Christ as I studied and defended God’s Word in a plethora of contexts. As I worked through and studied the questions and challenges coming from friends, teachers, Christians, non-Christians, and myself, my understanding of and commitment to Scripture was continually strengthened.

The core conviction that fuels my life, study, and ministry is the belief that the 66 books of the Bible are the Word of God. This makes Scripture the ultimate authority and lens by which we understand life, and the means by which God communicates the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

In my Junior year of High School, I made the decision to pursue Youth Ministry. In light of the support and training received from youth leaders, youth pastors, and my parents; a strong desire to provide the same benefit and care to others in their adolescence took root.

I have previously been able to serve in Youth Ministry as the Youth Director of Foothills Church RSM in Southern California, but now I am an active member of the Shepherd’s Church in Cary, NC while training for further ministry.

I’m currently an involved member of the Shepherd’s Church in Cary, NC where I met my fiancĂ© Lilli.


I began serving in the Youth Ministry of Foothills Church in May 2020, and I served as the Youth Ministries Director from January 2021 until November of 2022.

My goal in ministry is to provide teaching, discipleship, and relationships that help youth pursue closeness with God in righteous living. I strive to raise up Christians that live firmly in truth and love.


I received my AS in Mathematics from College of the Canyons in Valencia, CA in April, 2018.

I received my BS in Software Engineering from Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ in May, 2021.

I completed coursework in the M.Div. program for Pastoral/General Ministries at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, CA before transferring out in Summer 2022.

I am currently completing an M.Div. in Advanced Biblical Languages at Shepherd’s Theological Seminary in Cary, NC.