God and the Economy

[29 minutes to read] Several months ago, one of my students gave me a sheet of paper written top-to-bottom with a series of questions related to God and the Christian’s role in the economy. I went through and answered each question in turn, and gave him my typed responses. While the document has been slightly […]

Two Ways — Matt 7:12-29

Welcome to some of the most sobering and terrifying verses in the entire Bible. Do most people go to Heaven or Hell? How is a person saved? What is the choice God offers every person? In this lesson, John Horning discusses Jesus’ declaration that there are two ways — and His invitation to make a […]

Raising an Apostate

Introduction I was speaking with an older man not long ago whom we’ll call Aaron. Aaron was talking to me about his son – now an adult with kids of his own – and his son’s not being a Christian. Aaron spoke with pain in his eyes about two things: 1.) his son was running […]